Thursday 17 January 2013

Tips To Maximize the Freshness of Your Content

f you want to put your blog on top of research the freshness of content is a factor not to be neglected. If you want to know how to boost the freshness of your content follow the guide!

This is the type of content is most impacted by the notion of freshness:

  • Recent news: Whatever the topic, we always look for the most relevant information and the most recent news. This means that Google highlights the content is published more recently even if not from a reference site.
  • Seasonal or biannual events: It may be election or Roland Garros events that occur on specified dates in advance. With Caffeine, when someone does a search for this type of event Google highlights the most recent pages.
  • Ancient but relevant content: Some content types are still relevant despite out of their age. Cooking recipes or historical narratives, for example, keep their interest even if they were published long ago. But you should know that Google still takes into account the notion of freshness to these types of content.
how to optimize a website by publishing new content and improve its freshness.
Tip: Publish new pages
A blog that publishes a new page every day of the week will be better referenced a blog which is updated once a month. However, a high frequency of publication has its advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages are:

  • Your content will be indexed more often: regularly and frequently updated content leads search engine robots to visit more often. If you publish a new page monthly robots will visit your site a few times a month, so if you post new content at least once a week they will visit your site several times a week or daily.
  • You will increase your legitimacy: If you add new content regularly search engine robots will consider that your content is relevant and it will give you the authority in your field. Other elements that will help you become a benchmark are quality links that point to your site and social network signals.
  • You will increase your traffic: All studies show that a large content update increases the attendance of a site.
The disadvantage of a high frequency of publication is that it is difficult to publish quality content consistently. However, if you publish on a weekly or monthly basis, it will be easier to publish high-quality content but traffic to your site will not be boosted.
If you apply the following tips to optimize a website becomes a matter of organization and scheduling:
  • Invite other authors: Some websites publish daily high quality articles by using eexternal authors.
  • Make a schedule of your publications: If you do not want to use other authors, it will motivate you to write your own articles. Establish a schedule for your upcoming publications; it will require you to work with regularity.
  • Dig your head: To improve quality you need to enrich your publications new and original ideas. To optimize a website has its maximum take a day or two a week to look for original ideas for your publications.
  • Write a series of articles: Choose a theme and write an article on this subject per day for a month. At the end of the month you will have achieved a true record.


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