Wednesday 28 November 2012

3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers

You recently purchased a domain name and got a blog hosted on it. With a hot cup of coffee in your hand and the beautiful weather outside your window, you are shown a blank white screen to write the first ever post for your blog.
Do not get me wrong, but this is the most crucial time for you to face. The question you could be asking yourself is "What do I write?"
I have been confronted with this challenge. To answer this question, you have to be very sure of a specific niche on which you shall be blogging on regular basis. I am a regular blogger and chose Social Media Marketing as my niche to write regularly.
Whenever you are starting your first blog post, it is a pain in the neck to get loyal readers and followers. Nobody has the time to read your blog. However, as weeks pass by in blogging, you are gradually getting used to this habit. As such, by this time you should have developed a loyal list of readers ready to read and engage with your blog posts.
Now that you have become a successful blogger, it becomes even more difficult to churn out unique content regularly. In this article, I shall be sharing with you my personal tips of blogging that are in demand today. Today, it is not about getting the right keywords, but getting them in the right place naturally. Here are some of the SEO tips for bloggers that I am sharing with you:
1. Research other blogs - When you are writing for the audience, you are actually writing for search engines. When you write quality content based upon research from other blogs, search engines are most likely to place your blog on top of SERPS. No need to purchase expensive keyword tools as they are not relevant for a blogger. Google AdWords Keyword Tool is more than enough to know the trends of searching. Do not think about maintaining keyword density either. You are doing well enough if your content is well-researched and well-written.
2. Integrate Google Analytics with your website - The best tool I have ever used in analyzing the impact of unique content is Google Analytics. Regardless of any CMS that you are using, integrating Google Analytics is a matter of few minutes only. You are given a big picture of your website so that you can study your visitors and traffic trends. You can see your website's bounce rate, as well as the percentage of new visitors coming to your website daily.
3. Sharing is caring - I believe the phrase "Sharing is caring" actually works quite well on social media websites. Today, nothing is as important as sharing your blog posts on social media platforms like Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. SEO and social media now go hand-in-hand. Do a research of your favorite consumer brand, music artist or even a retailer shop. You would find their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages as well. Search engines are giving importance to websites sharing content on social media platforms. Why don't you create a Facebook page and share your content as you post on your website? I have done the same and got a lot of followers.
If you follow these 3 tips, you can establish yourself as a successful blogger.
Muhammad Awais is a social media marketer and runs his own blog on social media marketing tips.


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