Wednesday 5 December 2012

How To Find Sites To Guest Blog

Over the last few years, guest blogging has been all the rage for it's ability to build high quality links and drive traffic to a website. Article directories were once all the rage and the next step in the progression was guest posting. As effective as guest posting can be, the problem is that everyone goes to the biggest sites in the industry with a request which is terribly ineffective. The large sites are very selective in which guest post they select and only accept a few in a given time period. This leads to many wasting their time awaiting responses from the large sites when their time could have been used more effectively on sites that would love to have their guest post.
The best way to find sites that are looking for your content is to use Google. Most of the sites that allow guest posting use the same page titles for submissions that makes it easy to find them. Simply go to Google and search for the terms "guest posting submissions" or "guest posting guidelines." The quotation marks must be included in the search query to work effectively. The quotation marks are a search modifier that Google allows to indicate that the word within the quotation marks need to be found in that order. This eliminates a lot of the bad search results and narrows down the list of sites that are of decent quality. I would also recommend using some industry keywords with the above search terms to further target relevant sites. This will increase the likelihood that your posts will be accepted.
It is also very important to thoroughly read the guidelines for each site. You will waste your time if you do not take the time to familiarize yourself with the content of the site and the best topics before submitting a request. This will immediately indicate to the site owner that you have not read the content of the site and have not taken the time to show you really care. This is really just glorified spam when the proper effort is not put forth. To show the site owner that you will provide value, send a list of proposed post titles with your request and some people recommend sending the entire post at the start. This approach will be more effective than a canned letter that is the same for every request that is made. The extra effort is worth it and will be rewarded with acceptance.
This article was written by Brian May who has done extensive research on successful guest blogging and guest posting strategies.


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