Friday 21 December 2012

Simple Way For Beginners To Make Money Blogging By Following The 6 Core Principles

I used to think it was hard to figure out how to make money blogging. That was until I got good at it. Well if you are reading this article that means you are not good at blogging. And that's OK. I used to be where you are.
If you follow these 6 core principles on blogging you should be well on your way to actually making money blogging. I do have to give a little disclaimer. There obviously are no guarantees when it comes to that. However I'm going to share with you what has worked for me.
Let's jump right in.

1. Post On Purpose For Profit

Don't just sit down and start writing any old thing. You want to know before you start blogging what's your intent. If you are trying to make money then make sure you are posting on purpose so you can turn a profit.
Don't blog about going to a movie and drinking Starbucks that day if your target audience is not interested and if you can't turn that into a compelling story to get people to buy whatever it is that you are selling.

2. Know What Action You Want Your Visitors To Take

Whatever you focus on the most you get. So if you don't focus on what action you want your visitors to take, then guess what? Nothing will happen. Do you want them to opt in to your list, buy, pick up the phone to call you, exit the page?
Be clear on what you want them to do. Depending on what product you are selling on your blog your intention could be for them to buy right away. Whatever it is just set it in your mind.

3. Proper Keyword Research

I'm not going to spend too much time on this section. Basically we live in a search based world. People are always searching for answers online. What I'd suggest is you go to Google's keyword tool, type in a keyword related to your niche audience, and find other keywords related to it. Make sure though these are keywords that state a problem that you can solve for them.
For example thousands of people type in how to make money blogging. Since I know how to do it I'm writing this article giving a solution to your problem.

4. Create Content That Is Compelling

Now that you know your intentions and what your niche's problem is, create content that is compelling around it. I usually do this by giving them value and telling stories. People love stories.
We could care less about facts and figures. But if you know how to tell a story that draws people in that relates your point, then you will began to make money blogging.

5. Offer Your Solution

I usually do this in the last few sentences. The key to this is to go into a smooth transition that doesn't break the flow of the blog post. It can be a direct command or an indirect command for them to opt in now, buy now, or whatever you want them to do. Just make sure that whatever you have to offer will fix their problem.

6. Promote Like Crazy

None of this is any good if you don't promote your content. Think of it as if you are throwing a party. Nobody knows about your party unless you text friends, let people know on Facebook, call a few people, etc.
It's the same way with a blog post. You need to promote it like crazy. Social media sites, email list, even forums or places that your target audience hangs out. Just get the word out in as many places as you can.
That's really it. I generally follow these 6 core principles whenever I write a blog post with an intent on making money from it. I challenge you to do this for 90 days and see if you notice a difference in your results.

Why 90 days? Because when you are blogging you can't expect to see a noticeable change in 30 days or less.

Now that you've gotten most of my proven strategies, I still have a little sneaky secret that allows me to get first page rankings and make money blogging. To see what it is click here.


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