Friday 21 December 2012

Why You Fail at an Online Business

If you've struggled to make a living online, but you are one of the 99% who do not, there are really only handful of reasons as to why.

1. You aren't a professional business person.

2. You aren't doing what your heart wants you to do.

3. You jump from opportunity to opportunity never allowing enough time for one to work.

4. You don't follow-through.

Does any of these reasons remind you of you? You aren't alone. 99% of all people trying to make a living online fail miserably, most do not make even a single dime.

Now it's true that you may have bought some sham, hyped up opportunity that couldn't deliver the goods if you gave it a car. Or perhaps you were "sold" by some fast-talking guru or salesperson. They made it sound like this was the next best thing since peanut butter, that it would put thousands of dollars into your pocket overnight and all you had to do was push a button or open a merchant or PayPal account and watch the money flow in. If you're one of those people, I feel for you, I fell for so many gimmicks and "next best things" that I lost count of how many "work from home," "work online," "make money online" and "internet marketing" programs I have bought. The total dollars I've spent runs well into the thousands of dollars.

But looking back on the programs I have bought, I realized that although there were some that were just nicely packaged (and sold) B.S, the majority had some merit. There was even a handful that were quite good.

So why couldn't I get them to work? Why wasn't I making any money?

The answer - for me at least - lies in one of the four reasons above, okay, I confess, all four. Maybe you don't suffer from the same roadblocks that had stopped me so many times, but I'm willing to bet that at least one of the four reasons above applies to you.

I won't discuss how to make an online business work; the reasons above are clues, and you probably have the materials you to make an online income you can live on anyway. You just aren't using them.
So let's dig a little deeper into the four reasons above.

1. You aren't a professional business person.

You don't have to be a professional business person to run a business online, but you do need some clue as to how to organize a business, how to track sales and inventory (even if you don't sell anything yourself), you need some knowledge of accounting, and most important, you need to know how to make sales.
If you don't know these things, trying to learn them while simultaneously trying to start a business is definitely the hard way to do it.
2. You aren't doing what your heart wants you to do.

This is the most amorphous of reasons and it's a reason which the vast majority of people - all people - never seem to get. And those who do report living in a kind of bliss. That was something I had always hoped to experience.

Your heart wants many things; a beautiful, big house, a fancy car, more money, better health, a trim, fit body. We know that most of these things are just hopes and dreams, they aren't something serious. But somewhere in your heart lies your perfect work, your true calling and your reason for living. It is what you were born for, made for and it is the purpose of your life.99% of all people never find it. When you don't obey this subconscious desire of your heart, you sacrifice the beauty and love that would otherwise be in your life. You sacrifice the prosperity and sense of abundance that is the natural state of the universe and you miss out on the great relationships, the beauty and the ecstasy of living life fully and you miss out on all the great friends you would have made.

Finding out what your heart is telling you to do is a perplexing challenge; discovering your mission in life is an odyssey for which many never reach the end.

3. You jump from opportunity to opportunity never allowing enough time for one to work.

This may be the one reason that may be common for the great majority of people. (Along with reason four) You don't give an online business, work from home or make money online opportunity enough time to build up momentum, to reach "critical mass" or to start making money. You abandon ship right before your ship sails into port. Before you get all uppity, you aren't alone. I suspect that we all have been there at one time or another, and many seem permanently stuck in this condition.

4. You don't follow-through.

This is the biggie. This is probably the greatest factor sabotaging your success at an online business. You buy something, take it home or download it and you take a quick look at it - and then you forget it. Oh, you may work at it for a few days or even a few weeks but after a certain amount of time, you give up on this opportunity believing it doesn't work or you've been ripped off or you just forget about and jump to the next "best thing."
This report isn't about how to resolve these questions. I am not here to tell you how to fix these things if any are active in your life. But with the internet, technology and the ongoing spread of creativity, sooner or later, there has to be a work from home business that takes these four reasons into consideration and resolves them completely. That may be a daunting challenge, but I believe there are at least two online businesses which do just that.

How do you resolve the four reasons that are holding you back from making money online? Discover the two businesses that resolve these questions. Two Secrets of Making Money Online


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